
Showing posts from September, 2002

Letter to Bush

September 24, 2002 To: President-Select George W. Bush Senator Maria Cantwell Representative Jennifer Dunn Senator Patty Murray I am writing this letter to those elected official who are supposedly my representatives. In particular, this letter is addressed to the President of the United States of America, who has seemingly wrested all power and authority from our elected representatives, but whose decision will decide the fate of nations, including our own. As a citizen of the United States of America, as a citizen of the State of Washington, as a union member, and simply as a human being, I demand that the government of the United States of America desist all actions against the peoples of Iraq. This includes any sanctions and military actions, whose goal has been to "punish" the Iraqi government and people. In other words, lift the sanctions and no war! The government of the United States of America should, in fact, make reparations to the people of Ira...