
Showing posts from February, 2003

The anti-war demonstration in Seattle

The anti-war demonstration here in Seattle was large and quite spirited. Most people I talked to felt it was maybe larger than the MLK march. Whereas the general consensus on the number of souls at the MLK march was about 15,000, I will go with the estimated crowd size of 20-25,000, as most often quoted in the press. However, IMC continues to state that there were 55,000. I do know this, during the march itself, the start of the line was on the south side of downtown while the end of the march was still at Seattle Center. On my way to the march from downtown, I ran into a number of people making there way to the march. The buses were not an option as every one that passed was crammed with protesters (judging by the signs they displayed in the bus windows). I walked with a mother-daughter duo, with whom I enjoyed an interesting political conversation. At the demo I found it at times nearly impossible to navigate through the crowd to get from group to group. The speeches were greeted wit...