Book Review: The Armageddon Mandala
If I had to give an analogy, The Armageddon Mandala would be like "The Illuminati" as written by William Burroughs; or perhaps "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" as written by Hunter S. Thompson. ....Oh wait, that was written by him... Anyhow... Gopal Mukerjee has written a wonderfully entertaining and exceptionally vile book (particularly for those of the feminine persuasion due to the excessive male humor). The adventurous and soon-to-be-psychotic reader should ready themselves for a ride that will take you in the most unexpected directions. The storyline is wonderfully conceived and one can never foresee the events that are about to unfold on not just the next page, but even the next paragraph. Admittedly, I didn't try reading the book while completely trashed, but then I would wager one might never regain sanity thereafter. You have been warned... The Armageddon Mandala starts with a most modest small-town dick, who.... ups, I just want to note that that was n...